Thursday, May 7, 2009

OK. I am the LEAST political person you will ever meet! Why Is Sarah Palin SOOOOOO hated? Really I would like to know. I don't get it! Let me know.............What do YOU think????

Friday, March 27, 2009

Catching up

Well I wasn't sure about this "blog" thing, as you can see I have not been keeping up with it. I really don't know anything about blogging or how to make my page as nice as alot that I have seen out there.

I was very busy during January with The Memories From The Attic's "Scrap In The New Year" contest. Here are just a few of the dozens of projects I did during that. I won a prize for being the biggest poster and challenge submitter during that contest. Along with a few RAKs. Yeah!!!

Then February brought my aunt and uncle here to help my another of my uncles move his body shop. I took 3 weeks off from work to "play" with her. We scrapped and shopped and shopped and scrapped. Her daughter talked us into checking out another website for a contest they were having over the weekend "Love in the Air Crop" at Paper Popsicles. That was alot of fun also, we all won a prizes from there as well. Here are some of my creations from that contest

And to catch up with March. i really just lost my mojo after the past couple months. I made a few things for each site and here those are.

I will try and do better about blogging and learning how to make this site pretty and fun.

Thanks for checking it out.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Having fun

So I have been having a great time at the new scrapbooking site. Finally got me off my duff and started scrapbooking again. Here are some of my creations.